Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Quests

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  1. Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Pilot Quest
  2. Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Quests List
  3. Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Map

Walkthrough Part 4 - NarShaddaaSwoop RacingThe DocksEntertainment PromenadeAfter landing on Nar Shaddaa inform the winged creature who hassles thegroup about the parking job that you work for the exchange. He willback off quickly under threats to his life and you will gain some moredark side points.

Be sure to level up your new characters and equipthem with new armor and weapons. As you leave the landing pad you willrun into two thugs harassing a human for wandering from the refugeesector. Beat down the thugs and tell the helpless human that he owesyou.

He tells you that a member of the exchange has been clamping downonthe refugee sector recently. Tell the loser to shut up and get lost togain some dark side points.Influence - KreiaThere will be a man begging for money close to where the thugs werestanding. Listen to Kreia's advice after dealing with them and tell herthat you will take her lesson to heart.

You need to get the attention of Visquis (he'll contact you when you've done enough side quests on Nar Shaddaa). That'll allow you to proceed with the main quest. Mira or Hanharr will join at that point. Note that the Visquis part is bugged and sometimes it won't trigger. In Knights of the Old Republic 2 The Sith Lords, I'm on Nar Shadaa, and I'm stuck. I've done every other quest on the planet, but I can't meet with the Exchange or find Goto.

This will increase influencewith her.Influence - HandmaidenIn the northeast section of Nar Shaddaa there are two more thugsshaking down a citizen. You can use force persuade to convince one ofthem to jump off the nearby ledge. This will gain you some dark sidepoints. After killing the other thug the handmaiden will interject withher thoughts on helping people. You can disparage Atris, but tell thehandmaiden that each person learns from their experiences to gaininfluence with her.Tienn Tubb's ShopTake a lap around the large square area to reveal the map screen. Oneof the first attractions in Nar Shaddaa is Tienn Tubb's shop in thesouthwest corner of the map. Tienn is blind, but his droid willapproach you and ask for you to find a missing droid which has beenappropriated by a junk dealer named Kodin.Kodin is located in the north west section of the map in a corner.Threaten him with harm in order to obtain the droid and take it back toTienn.

Talk to Tienn's droid to obtain a free shield upgrade. If youchoose to shake down the droid for more compensation you will looseinfluence with T3-M4.Outdoor Merchant QuestThere are two outdoor merchants on the landing pad: Geeda and Oondar.You can play them off of each other to gain a discount at both shops.There is also a light and dark side points opportunity. Side withOondar and kill Geeda to receive dark side points and side with Geedato receive light side points. Behind Oondar the merchant is a doorleading to a supply room. There is a deal gone bad going down behindthe door so get ready for a battle against four thugs once you enterthe room. Collect the items from the containers after the battle.Swoop RacingThe swoop racing track is in the north west corner of the refugee areabehind a door.

You will see a man passed out on the floor. To the rightof him is a Twi'lek named Borna Lys.

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Pilot Quest

She explains that the swoop racesare rigged because there is a droid challenger who cannot lose.Negotiate with her to obtain the access codes to this droid's cage,reminding her that you both stand to benefit from its sabotage.Access the droid in the next room and reprogram it to think that it isabout to crash in a swoop race. The droid will self destruct. Lie aboutyour involvement with the explosion and suggest that the track is soldto Borna to cover the cost of the droid. Then speak to Borna to takeyour share of the profits.

You can now enter the swoop races. If youwin (the swoop race cheat helps) you can use force persuade to take allof the winnings thus gaining dark side points.The DocksIf you decide to take the dancing quest you will be transported toVogga's Enclave on the docks.

Speak to Vogga and negotiate a deal for anew fuel source for Citadel Station in return for getting rid of Goto,an Exchange member. Also, mention that you have been sent to dance forhim for some experience.Down the hall from the Hut there is an alien named Bith. He has foundan alternate fuel source that would be useful for the inhabitants ofCitadel station. If you have taken the quests from Lt. Green on Citedelstation you will want to take this fuel source idea for yourself. Thiscan either be done through negotiations, or by killing Bith.

The latterwill give you glorious dark side points.Pylon QuestOutside on the docks there are three pylons in a row. At the entrancewalkway to pylon two there is a computer console. You can use acomputer spike to optimize power to the three pylons and receiveexperience. Walk towards pylon 1 to trigger a scene with Han Har theWookiee.

Walk towards the doorway to the Landing pad to trigger anotherscene with this bounty hunter.Talk to Fassa who is by the walkway leading to pylon 2 to receive thepylon quest. You must first power up all of the pylons from the consolenext to Fassa. Then there is a puzzle involving the ship's signatures.The rules to this puzzle are as follows. The higher set of numbers getspriority.The first set of two numbers is always the same as the second set oftwo. If there is a tie, then the last set of two numbers takespriority. Using these rules the ships should be arranged in this order:Silver ZypherAlakandorToornaFor completing this task you will receive the Jal Shey Neophyte Armorwhich is very useful because it does not restrict force powers.The Flop HouseOn the western side of the docks there is a door to the flop house. Thefirst room on the right contains a group of Mandalorians that can betaunted.

In the room across from this one there is a container filledwith items.? In the first room across from the entrance, usestealth to comeacross two thugs discussing how to break into Vogga the Hut's chambers.This will allow you to purchase juma juice at the cantina.

You will usethis item when you accept the dancing mission which begins in theCantina. During the course of that quest you will put Voga the Hut tosleep with your dancing and then spike the Kath hound's drinking bowl.This will give you access to Voga's storage room.? The second room contains a crew member of the LunarShadow. Hereyou can receive a quest to get the captain of the ship out of the alienbar Jekk'Jekk Tarr.

Also, take the credits from the container in thisroom and the next room on the right. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr Bar is locatednext to pylon 3. The captain is located in the corner of the Arid Roomand you can force persuade him to rejoin his crew.?

In the fourth room on the right there is a SithScientistinvestigating a signal that is only audible to his ears. Tell him thathis work sounds interesting and eventually he will offer you a fetchmission leading to Pylon 3. When you reach this destination you willfind a dead Twi'lek who has been robbed. The door will slam shut andyou will have to battle against the cleaning droid. This enemy drops anumber of very useful droid upgrades. Return to the flophouse to findthe scientist's arm and a data pad that recorded his demise.? Turn the corner and speak to Lasavvou in the firstroom on theleft.

You can trick him into thinking you are the docking authority andgain some credits. You can also agree to talk to the dock master forhim and receive a new quest.? The next room on the left has a backpack filledwith items.?

The third room of the left contains a man who islooking for hiswife. You have the option to tell him to join the exchange and tellthem that you sent him.Entertainment PromenadeThis section is located to the east of the landing pad. To the left ofthe entrance there is an alien named Twik'Gar who will ask you to getGeredi to leave the Pazak Den. To the right of the door there is asmall mousy creature named Kaalah-nah. Because the Pazak den is lockedto those who don't have a code, pay the mouse to give you the password.Pazaak DenGeredi can be found in a corner in the Pazaak Den. Lie to him and saythat there is a female Twi'lek waiting for him outside and he will meethis doom in the form of the thugs you spoke to earlier.

This littletrick will earn some dark side points.Speak to the Twi'lek in the corner next to Geredi to automatically wina game of Pazaak and increase your reputation amongst the players. Nearthe bar there is a droid that has been programmed to love playingPazaak even though she is not a very good player. This character can beused to slowly win money, or you can offer to repair her. An awarenessresponse will indicate that there is a transponder located under thedroid's arm just like the swoop racing droid. Repair the droid and shewill thank you. At this point, a mouse like creature will enter the denand claim to be an unbeatable Pazaak player.

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Quests

The importance of thischaracter is that he allows a maximum wager of 500 credits. Be warned,he also plays with rare tie breaker cards that will win on a push and +or - 10 cards that can drastically change his hand. Its best to facethis player when you have an elite side deck.CantinaEnter stealth mode and walk to the right side of the bar to overhearthe Vogga thugs and gain some experience. (Before starting this quest,see the section on the flophouse. In order to break into Vogga'schambers you need to prepare yourself before dancing for him.) In thecantina, walk up to the group of dancers on the left side of the room.A Twi'lek named Domo will ask you to help him find dancers for Voggathe Hut. If the handmaiden is in your party, you can offer her as adancer.

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Quests

She will not have a problem with performing this task and thiswill gain you access to Vogga's chambers. You also get to keep theslave dancer outfit.Jekk'Jekk Tarr BarBefore entering this bar be sure to equip all organic party memberswith a breath mask so that they are not harmed by the fumes inside. Ifthere are not enough masks to go around, enter solo mode. At firstthere are three rooms open in the Bar. The captain of the shipmentioned in the flop house is in the Arid room and can be convinced toreturn to his shipmates.

There is nothing left to do in this area, youmust firstRefugee SectorUpon entering the refugee sector you will be stopped by two thugs whodemand a toll payment. You have the option to ask them about Lorta ifyou talked to him in the Flophouse. You can force persuade the thugs tolet you pass, or face them in battle. The only open direction is totake a left down a ramp. Keep heading down to enter the Refugee commonsRefugee CommonsUpon entering this sector there is a sick man to your right. Convincehim to kill himself for the good of others to earn some dark sidepoints. Wandering through this area will cause you to be approached bytwoTwi'lek who inform you that Atton is a cold blooded murderer.

There aremany refugees in this sector that ask for help, but these lead to lightside points so it is better to ignore their pleas for help.Serroco ThugsIf you continue to walk east using the ramps you will eventually reachan area filled Serroco Thugs. You can choose to pick a fight with thisscum, but be warned you will have to fight them all at once. On thevery eastern edge of this area there is an air speeder that requirespart to get it working again. Be sure to check all of the cargo bins inthe Serroco controlled areas for lots of useful items.ExchangeTravel to the south and then take the ramps to the west to find theentrance to the exchange headquarters. In the Exchange there areplasteel containers in almost every room. You can take the items insideusing a stealth field generator, or just grab them and prepare to fightthe thugs in the room.About three rooms into the exchange there is a locked door whereNadaa's daughter Adana is being kept.

She was the woman living in theRefugee Commons. You can save the girl without gaining light sidepoints, and gain experience for completing the quest. If you return tothe mother after saving the daughter she will reward you with a Sigilcrystal lightsaber crystal.Take the hallway through the dining room and into the heart of theexchange where Saquesh is standing by a window. Speak to Saquesh andforce persuade him to let Adana go, even though you have just savedher. Then use the response 'you will die anyway'.

This will lead toexperience and dark side points. Be aware that once you start battlingSaquesh you will also have to face the thugs in the dining room behindyou. Don't let yourself be overwhelmed with the large number of enemiesin the area. After clearing out the exchange, you should be out ofquests to perform on Nar Shaddaa. Your only option is to return to theEbon Hawk. But don't get too excited, this planet still has a fewsurprises to throw at you.

After leaving hyperspace, your party gathers in the main hold of the Ebon Hawk:Atton: Well, here we are. The smuggler's moon. It's the gaping maw of Nal Hutta, swallowing all the cargo and space port thugs the galaxy has to offer. Mandalorians, mercenaries, war veterans, and pilots from the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War ended up on Nar Shaddaa, from all sides of the conflict. When the last war ended, there was no place left for them to go.Mandalore: Too many Mandalorians were scattered after the war. Without purpose and without direction, most became little more than raiders.Atton: Nar Shaddaa's a rough place and easy to get lost in.


Or for someone to get lost. If we wanted to keep out of sight from the Sith for a while, you couldn't pick a better spot.Dialog1. What's Nal Hutta?Atton: It means 'glorious jewel' in Huttese, but don't let that fool you. It's the central breeding grounds of the Hutts - Nar Shaddaa orbits it. Nal Hutta's as slimy as the Hutts, lots of swamp and bloated gas.

It's where those slugs reach out and grab chunks of the galaxy. Trust me, we're not going to go anywhere near the place unless we want to be washing the stink out of our clothes for the next few years.2. So there's lots of ex-soldiers on Nar Shaddaa?Atton: Yeah, some came looking for work running freight and cargo. Still, there's only so many ships to go around and so many workers. So others lend their weapons to the Hutts and the Exchange. It's become a prime base for raider recruitment across the galaxy.3.

How hard would it be to find a Jedi here?4. How hard will it be to hide here?Atton: It won't be easy. There's so much traffic on Nar Shaddaa, finding anyone on the moon's surface is going to be hard.Atton: Shouldn't be too hard. There's so much traffic on Nar Shaddaa, finding anyone on the moon's surface is going to be hard.Atton: We're going to touch down in the Refugee Sector. There's a lot more traffic there, and it's harder for people to spot you coming in. Or find you once you arrive.

4Kreia: You speak of this place as if it is familiar to you.2. Awareness You sound like you've been here before.Atton: Anyone flying the star lanes has docked on Nar Shaddaa at least once.

I wouldn't want to live there, and I doubt anyone does by choice.1. What's the Refugee Sector?Atton: Anyone flying the star lanes has docked on Nar Shaddaa at least once. I wouldn't want to live there, and I doubt anyone does by choice.5. Then let's take the Ebon Hawk in for a landing.Atton: I've plotted a course for the Refugee Sector, and we should touch down within the hour. Once we're down, we should finally be able to breathe easy. There's no way anyone's going to find us here.Meanwhile, the Exchange boss Goto addresses a motley crew aboard his yacht:Goto: Perhaps you have heard that the Jedi comes to Nar Shaddaa.Goto: While he walks upon the smuggler's moon, he is not to be harmed. You may watch him, observe his movements, but nothing more.Goto: While she walks upon the smuggler's moon, she is not to be harmed.

Observe her, track her, but do not eclipse her movements - or I shall eclipse yours.DialogHanharr: Why must we watch?! We have hunted them so long - now we must wait?Goto: You must because one Jedi attracts others. It is the way of things.Azanti Zhug: Goto's head is filled with madness. Zhug family hunt the galaxy, look for Jedi. Jedi finally comes here, and we can no longer hunt? There is no sense to it.Twin Suns: If you wish to live, you should respect Goto's wishes.Twin Suns: The handsome Jedi has run for years. He will not stay on this moon forever.Twin Suns: The beautiful Jedi has run for years.

She will not stay on this moon forever.Hanharr: Hnnhr. Let the Zhugs defy Goto.

And after I've collected their bounty, I'll keep their heads as trophies.Azanti Zhug: You best leave threats unspoken, Hanharr. You were carried too far from world of trees, maybe too far. I hear you not even collect life-debt from little red-maned human female.

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Quests List

She make fool of you twice. If she had crossed Zhugs, she would be very dead now.Hanharr: Goto or not, I will carve a bloody swatch through your entire family, Zhug - I swear it to you.HK-50: Request: If Goto's vessel is no longer neutral ground, inform us so that we might initiate assassination protocols and commence firing at once.Twin Suns: It would be unwise to commit violence here.

Goto's order was clear.Twin Suns: We are not to harm the handsome Jedi while he walks on Nar Shaddaa.Twin Suns: We are not to harm the beautiful Jedi while she walks on Nar Shaddaa.Twin Suns: Unless we are attacked first. We are permitted to defend ourselves.HK-50: Observation: Jedi follow the self-destructive path of pacifism and tolerance. They will not attack first.Twin Suns: This Jedi is different.Twin Suns: Yes, there is a darkness in him.Twin Suns: Yes, there is a darkness in her.Twin Suns: Goto told us to leave the Jedi alone, it is true.Twin Suns: But he said nothing of the Jedi's companions.Ebon Hawk ID Signature Your party has disembarked from the Ebon Hawk in the Refugee Landing Pad:Atton: Ah. The beautiful stench of decay and desperate living.Kreia: This moon. It teems with life. It is difficult to center oneself.Visas: Never have I been to a place so alive with the Force, yet so dead to it. The contrast is like a blade.Atton: Welcome to Nar Shaddaa: towering buildings kilometers high and miles deep, with canyons so wide you could have a dogfight in them.

Word of warning - watch where you step, or you'll fall for hours.Dialog1. Are we going to be okay on this landing pad?Atton: Sure, most of the landing pads around here are unclaimed. Or should be.

They're pretty badly maintained, so they're not safe to land on. Well, I mean, not this one, but they all have the reputation, so we should be all right.

The Ebon Hawk looks a little exposed.Atton: Maybe a little, but landing here means we didn't have to transmit our ID signature, and you know what trouble that always brings. In fact, while we're here, we should get those signatures changed. Wouldn't make us such a target when we enter a new system.3.

Any problems with the docking authorities?Atton: No, but I forgot to tell them we were landing. The Refugee Sector's a dead zone, no one cares too much who flies in and out of here as long as they're not carrying cargo that the Exchange or the Hutts might want a piece of.4. Is this the Refugee Sector?Atton: Yeah, in all its glory. Don't get your hopes up from what you see here, though - as soon as we hit the main sector, that's when the smell. And the mobs. Can get pretty bad.5.

Then let's move on.Atton: All right, then, let's move out. Uh, where are we headed, exactly?Kreia: It does not matter where we go. If what we seek is here, we shall come upon it in due time.Atton: Uh.

If you want to stay on the ship and meditate some more, don't let us stop you.If Atton hasn't already said you should get the Ebon Hawk's ID signature changed while you're here after you comment on it looking a little exposed, he does so now:Atton: Whatever we do, I say we get the Hawk's ID signature changed while we're here. Might keep us from being a target when we enter a new system.Handmaiden: It is not your choice, Atton, it is his. What is it you wish to do?Disciple: It is not your choice, Atton, it is hers. What is it you wish to do?Atton: What is it you wish to do?Dialog1. I'm just looking for a place to lay low.Atton: Then just being here should be enough. People in the Refugee Sector don't tend to ask too many questions, we should be safe enough.2.

I wouldn't mind getting some new equipment.Atton: There should be a central trading hub up ahead - their stock's probably not the best, but they may have some things worthwhile.3. I want to find out more about this bounty on Jedi.Atton: Well, that means finding either a bounty hunter, a ranking member of the Exchange, or someone willing to talk - none of which are too appealing. Bounty hunters and the Exchange are going to want to shoot you, and someone who is willing to talk is willing to talk to anyone, which means trouble.Kreia: The bounty is a waste of our efforts. All that matters is the Jedi - the intentions of the thugs of this moon are of no consequence.Disciple: Forgive me, but these bounty hunters pose a threat to her.

Their persistence is unusual - and if they are not stopped, one of them may prove lucky.Handmaiden: This bounty poses a threat to him. We do not need two beasts at our back when the Sith are enough.Visas: I agree. They are nothing more than a distraction, but even a distraction may prove fatal at a critical moment.Visas: We must protect her.Visas: We must protect him.Handmaiden: I do not wish your support, Dark Jedi - your words only undermine my arguments.Kreia: If you are so certain of your path then do what you will; I care not.Kreia: If you are so certain of your path then do what you will, servant of Atris.Atton: It's up to you.

There's bound to be someone in the Sector willing to spill their guts for a credit or two.4. If Zez-Kai Ell is here, I want to find him.Kreia: Finding a Jedi or anyone else touched by the Force here will be difficult. The mass of people, the rush of their emotions. It makes detection difficult.Visas: The moon is a swarming cloak, a shadow of emotions. It is an effective shield - but if we come near the Jedi, I may be able to see him.Kreia: But this moon does not get any smaller while we wait.

This sector is as good as any place to begin our search, so let us begin.Handmaiden: You will not come near the Jedi - I will not allow it.Disciple: If you come within striking distance of the Jedi, then the search may be over before it's begun.Visas: You mistake my intentions. I care nothing for this Jedi. But if finding him will speed our journey, then I will aid you in your search.Handmaiden: We do not need your assistance, Dark Jedi.Disciple: It is not my place to say whether you should aid us in our search. If you do, however, you may cause the Jedi we seek to mistake our intentions.Kreia: Enough.

This moon does not get any smaller while we debate. This sector is as good as any place to begin our search, so let us begin.Atton: Well, if we're going to search a moon of a few billion inhabitants for one Jedi that even our own can't sense, might as well start as soon as possible.5. Be silent and come with me.6.

Let's see where our path takes us.Atton: All right. If you have any questions, just ask. We should be able to leave the ship here as long as we want, no one supervises these landing pads anymore.Journal Entry Added: Ebon Hawk ID SignatureAtton mentioned that while on Nar Shaddaa, it would be a good idea to get the ID signature of the Ebon Hawk changed.Landing Rights As you might be coming to expect, Atton's wrong about no one supervising these landing pads anymore, as you're approached by Quello, the landing pad master:Quello: You! You there!Atton: Uh-oh.Quello: What's with you, letting that piece of junk sink its struts into my landing pad?Dialog1. Force Persuade I think it'll be fine where it is.5. It's a landing pad - ships land on it.6.

Is there some kind of problem?7. I don't have time for this.Quello: Success It'll be fine where it is? Yeah, I guess you're right.Quello: No? Thanks for the insight. And here I was, thinking you were a smart human.Quello: The problem is, you're on my landing pad.Quello: Neither do I, so stop wasting mine.Quello: Failure.and by right, I mean you're wrong.

Kotor 2 Nar Shaddaa Map

Telling me it'll be 'fine' where it is, what, you think I'm stupid?Quello: I got another ship coming in, and unless you want that piece of junk's hull crushed flat, you'd better move it. Got it?Quello: Now, either get that piece of junk off my piece of junk, or you're going for a two-kilometer walk to the ground.1. What other ship?Quello: That's none of your business. All you need to know is that they're going to be firing up their quad lasers if they find your ship squatting there when they arrive.You move closer to the dark side of the Force if you try to him that the Hutts or the Exchange told you you could land here, even if you fail, but you only receive experience if you succeed:Dark Side Points Gained: -12. Persuade/Lie The Hutts told me I could land here.Dark Side Points Gained: -13.

Persuade/Lie The Exchange told me I could land here.DialogPersuade 10Persuade 8Quello: Success Yeah? Well, this is the first I've heard of it. Hutts don't do business down here - this is Exchange territory.Quello: Success Yeah? Well, this is the first I've heard of it. Tell you what, let me check it out - if you're cleared, then you're clear, no trouble.1.

They're doing business down here now, and that's all you need to know.2. Times are changing. So should you.3. I don't have time for this.

Stand aside.1. Go ahead, contact them. I'll wait here.2. Check it out.

I'll be sure to let the Exchange know you delayed me from making my drop.Quello: Hmmm. Ah, never mind, it's not worth the trouble.Quello: I got a ship that's supposed to dock on this pad any hour now.

What am I gonna do?Quello: I gotta tell you, though, I got another one of your ships docking here within an hour. I'm not sure what to tell them.1.

Divert it to another landing pad.2. I'm sure you'll think of something.3. Let them burn their engines until we've left, then they can land.4. I couldn't care less.

I'll be going now.Otherwise:Dark Side Points Gained: -17. Get out of my way, or they'll never find your body.Dark Side Points Gained: -13. The Exchange also told me if you gave me any trouble, I could kill you.Quello: Eh, well, heh-heh! Don't let me hold you up, then, hm?Quello: You call the shots. But this is gonna be trouble, I can feel it.Experience Points (XP) Received:. 500 Persuaded Quello the Hutts or the Exchange told you you could land hereIf you fail to persuade him you were told you could land here, or you're unwilling to move closer to the dark side of the Force, it's easier to persuade him if you offer to pay for the space (although it's not necessary to pay him then and there, so don't):Dialog4.

Persuade I can pay for the space. And your time.Persuade 3Persuade 46. When I return.6.

Awareness 50 credits. And I'm guessing you can wait until I return.Quello: Hmmm.

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Well, I got your ship, and that's worth more than that if you decide to cheat me. All right, it's a deal.Otherwise:1.

200 credits.2. 100 credits.Awareness 33. 50 credits.3. Awareness I'm guessing 50 credits ought to be enough.Quello: Done!

Pleasure doing business with you.Credits Lost: 200Credits Lost: 100Credits Lost: 50If all else fails, the following is the quickest and easiest way to end this dialog:4. You're lucky my ship's gracing your trash heap.5. You're lucky my ship's gracing your trash heap.Quello: Eh? My trash heap? Fine, land there!

My trash heap's all that's keeping your ship from making the final plunge. And trust me, it won't be long in coming, I promise you.Quello: I got some visitors booked for your space, but I'm sure the two of you can work it out when they arrive.Journal Entry Added: Landing RightsYou managed to convince the landing pad master, Quello, to let the Ebon Hawk dock on the Refugee Sector landing pad. He said it would cause some trouble, since another ship was scheduled to dock there.If you try to speak to Quello again before he leaves:Quello seems to be ignoring you.

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