9mm American Eagle Luger Firearm

9mm American Eagle Luger Firearm Rating: 8,4/10 3373 votes
  1. 1900 American Eagle Luger

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Sold for $14,950 (9mm fat barrel) and $9,775 (7.65mm test trials). Many people are aware of the.45 caliber Lugers made for US military field trials - but far fewer people realize that Lugers were. Nov 12, 2017  Speer Lawman 9mm 115 gr TMJ 2,000 round test review - Duration: 3:36. Personal Defense and Firearm Education 6,858 views.


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This is the classic 1906American Eagle Luger. From the 120mm barrel chamberedfor the 7.65mm cartridge this is a 'must have' for most American Eagle DWMCollectors. These were the first commercially sold in the US; DWMactually had to make the cartridges in those days.

These were the export guns, stamped Germanyand meant for theAmerican market. (1757)NOTE: Photographs taken todaywith the high mega-pixel camera show more than we sometimes can see withthe human eye. Magnified close-ups show us tool marks and naturalsurface conditions that one normally doesn't see in the ordinaryhandling of the weapon. Photographs arecopyrighted, all rights reserved, any extraction, reproduction ordisplay of gun pictures without the express consent of the PhoenixInvestment Arms is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation.Please visit Legal (tabbed) for Conditions of Sale.During the US Governmenttesting in 1901 of the 1900 Parabellum the American Eagle was employed as a sales tool and whenthe second test began in 1907 with the order for another 1000 pistols from DWM and1000 holsters from the Rock Island Arsenal they all had the American Eagle.The acceptance by first the Swiss and then the Americans for theirnational symbol on the gun highlights the 'contract gun series'.

This is a 7.65mm Luger (.30 cal) manufactured by DWM (DeutscheWaffen und Munitions Fabriken) in the classic 1906 configurationwith the 4¾' 100mm barrel and grip safety. The extractor ismarked Geladen (Loaded) and it is mounted on the new frame with earlyextended sear.

The thumb safety is polished and up for safe. Therear sights are fixed and 'V' shaped with the fixed front sight blade.The grips are fine checkered walnut and the magazine is the rolled steelcrimped with a blank wooden bottom Simply the classicParabellum that with the American Seal on the chamber.This was a very popularhandgun in the United States prior to WWI. The 7.65mm Lugercartridge was considered a powerful cartridge during the late yearsleading up to WWI.

The finish is superb onthese early guns with the polishing and buffing done before the rust blueprocess was applied. The serial numbers were marked in thecommercial (hidden) manner under the side plate and locking lever.Just a work of art.The barrel is Crown B.U.G Proofed. Goodcrisp proofs on the frame left of the receiver and toggle.

Collectors prizethe guns that are BUG proofed. The Crown B(Beschuss) means the barrels weretested using a heavier load in accordance with the 1892 proof law. TheCrown U (Untersuchung) means it was inspected after assembly and the Crown G(Gozogen) meansa rifled barrel.The Extractor is marked'Loaded' in English for the American market. It was customary forthe pre-WWI commercial contract guns produced by DWM for theinstallation of a National Crest on the Chamber and the use of theindigenous language on the thumb safety and extractor.

On these early1900 Models the thumb safety is polished. A very clean and well maintained Luger withall matching numbers.This Parabellum is all matching; the magazineis correct and does not exhibit any serial number. Serial number placement is in the commercial ('hidden') style. The thumbsafety is polished and extractor 'Geladen' onboth sides.One of the things 'known' about Lugersis that international law required guns made for commercial sales mustshow the country of origin. Usually this was done on the earlyLugers by placing 'Germany' on the front of the frame under the serialnumber. This Parabellum does exhibit this 'commercial' designation.This is one of the classic Lugers exported by DWM to the United Statesas a commercial version.It is entirely subjective togive any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare itxx% blued or strawed.

Few Lugers are out of the box new and these arepremium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of thebeholder. We strive to provide picturesso you can judge for yourself if the gun meets your criteria. This Parabellum is clean both inside andout. The barrel is very good with clear landsand grooves.

Someone has taken care of this Luger the past 100 years.The Luger comes with a hold-open device. The front site is dovetailedfixed with the standard site blade while the rear sight is 'V' cut. This is the classicAmerican Eagle Luger, the basic collectors must have in any seriouscollection. While these models are not 'rare' they are difficult toobtain in excellent condition as this one represents.The non-military Luger always had abetter chance of surviving in excellent condition because as acommercial someone paid good money for it and cared for the gun like itwere their own.

This Parabellum is in excellent shape inside andout and with a little care can make someone a find collector'sinvestment. The extractor is marked Loaded in Englishto tell you when there is a round in the chamber. Note the bevel inthe 1st toggle link which is characteristic of the DWM produced guns.While every Luger was interchangeable each manufacturer has some smalldistinctions in their process that set them apart.

The safety is thepolished metal with a just a slight indentation felt with thefingernail. Below: This is the older thumb up safety changed in 1908.This is the classicAmerican Eagle Luger, in 7.65mm; the basic collector must have in any seriouscollection. While these models are not 'rare' they are difficult toobtain in excellent condition as this one represents. See Kenyon ' Lugersat Random' Page 104This was a very popularhandgun in the United States prior to WWI. The 9mm Lugercartridge was considered a powerful cartridge during the late yearsleading up to WWI.

The transition to this caliber was the reasonthat DWM stamped the Cal 9mm on the magazine. The use of the American Eagle was learnedfrom the Swiss who wanted their national emblem over the chamber; thisproved so popular that when the test guns were sent to the US Army theyhad the American Seal and continued that way through the '20's with theStoeger guns. Holding anearly Luger, a timeless representation of a personal level of quality andpride of craftsmanship, brings you back a hundred years to another century of weapons development.This Luger represents a piece of history and a turning point in ournations weapons procurement.This beautiful example of the very hardto find 7.65mm American Eagle 1906 squeeze grip Luger is collector grade andasset to any collection. This fine example of the Classic American Eagleis offered for $3,895.00 over-the-counter.We reserve the right towithdraw any firearm from an auction site that is sold over the counter. Wereserve the right to withdrawn any weapon sold over the counter. If you need additional pictures to complete your buying decisions thendirectQuestions to:. LAYAWAYS: Sometimes our'significant other' doesn't understand the beauty, craftsmanship andinvestment potential of one of these investor grade weapons.

9mm American Eagle Luger Firearm

1900 American Eagle Luger

Inthese circumstances where discretion becomes the better part of valor wewill accept layaways of up to one year with at least 20% down and someactivity occurring monthly to insure that after one year the sale iscompleted. Cancellations of layaways forfeit 33% if done within twomonths, otherwise 100%. You can transfer a layaway to a consignment sale atany time. See 'Legal' for exact terms.3 Day ReturnPolicyWehonor a three day return policy. We will answer any questions, send you anypictures, as detailed as you want, to insure that what we are showing you iswhat you want to see, before you buy it.FIRING ANY WEAPON NEGATES ANYCHANCE OF RETURN!WARNING: We do not represent these guns as safe tofire. They are not test fired before sale; they are sold ascollectibles only. Prior to firing you should have it inspected by aqualified individual and abide by all safety requirements.Genuine Lugers Sales - LugerHistory - Luger Accessories - Luger Holsters - Parabellum© Copyright 2001-2016 Phoenix Investment Arms Inc.

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